My daily lactation schedule

I get up at 8am and power pump. Then make a smoothie with frozen fruits , body armor, TBS of ground flaxseed , and sometimes i add a protein powder. I will then take a milk thistle capsule. Eat something small and take a reglan. Then pump again at 10am. Eat something at 11am. Pump at 12pm. Then eat a pack of lactation cookies at 1pm. Pump at 2pm (power pump). Another smoothie at 3pm.Pump at 4pm. Pump again at 6pm. eat dinner and take another reglan pill. Power pump again at 8pm. Pump again if im awake at 10pm. I pump for 30 mins durnjng a regular pumpings session. I drink up to a total of 3 body armors and 6 bottles of water a day ontop of some juice. The key is to stay hydrated and eat small snacks throughout the day which is one thing I do struggle with. In between each pumping session I'm playing with the toddlers. I hope this helps some people.


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