September 27 , 2021

Keeping a pumping schedule is hard. Especialy with toddlers. these past few days have been rough. I haven't been able to pump bc I have been super busy and not at home. I have ordered a cheap pump that will hopefully work well for me. I've spent most of today in Labor and Delivery with a friend who is having a tough pregnacy. I also got to spend some time with one of the little ones im trying to relactate for and I nursed her for about 20-30 minutes. She got full and was happy. I've been hand expressing here and there when i get the time and a few beads of yellowish milk comes out (colostrum). Hopefully I'll be able to be around the baby more often. Really hoping this new pump that Im supposed to get this week really works therefore it will be easier to pump when Im away from home.


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