Why I want to relactate ?

 I have had a few people in my family ask me why I want to do this. There are many reasons. My main reason is the health benefits breast milk can give a baby. “Breast milk provides abundant and easily absorbed nutritional components, antioxidants, enzymes, immune properties, and live antibodies from mother. Mother's more mature immune system makes antibodies to the germs to which she and her baby have been exposed.” Another reason is some babies struggle with formula especially babies who are EBF. Formula could upset their tummy’s especially if they aren’t use to it. I was able to breast feed my daughter for a year and my son for 1yr and 1 month. Durning that time I had pumped and donated a lot of milk to other local moms and still give my kids a sippy cup of breast milk a day. When we done that they didn’t get as sick as they do now. Some moms don’t respond well to pumping therefore can establish a supply for when baby is older. These are just a few of the reasons. I person love to be able to help other moms and babies and this is just one of the ways I can help. It has been roughly 10 months since I last pumped. This can be a long journey with a bumpy road. It’s definitely worth it.  


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