
Showing posts from September, 2021

September 28, 2021

I recived my new pump in the mail today. And so far I love it. Its small and very convient. The suction is good and so is the massage mode. Its not as quite as I was hoping but its not as loud as my old medela pump. This is the first time ive been able to pump in two days. Hopefully this pump will help me simce its so small and recharge able. I wish it was able to clip to me. Other then that I highly recommend it for easy and on the go time. Be great for a purse or in my case diaper bag.

September 27 , 2021

Keeping a pumping schedule is hard. Especialy with toddlers. these past few days have been rough. I haven't been able to pump bc I have been super busy and not at home. I have ordered a cheap pump that will hopefully work well for me. I've spent most of today in Labor and Delivery with a friend who is having a tough pregnacy. I also got to spend some time with one of the little ones im trying to relactate for and I nursed her for about 20-30 minutes. She got full and was happy. I've been hand expressing here and there when i get the time and a few beads of yellowish milk comes out (colostrum). Hopefully I'll be able to be around the baby more often. Really hoping this new pump that Im supposed to get this week really works therefore it will be easier to pump when Im away from home.

My daily lactation schedule

I get up at 8am and power pump. Then make a smoothie with frozen fruits , body armor, TBS of ground flaxseed , and sometimes i add a protein powder. I will then take a milk thistle capsule. Eat something small and take a reglan. Then pump again at 10am. Eat something at 11am. Pump at 12pm. Then eat a pack of lactation cookies at 1pm. Pump at 2pm (power pump). Another smoothie at 3pm.Pump at 4pm. Pump again at 6pm. eat dinner and take another reglan pill. Power pump again at 8pm. Pump again if im awake at 10pm. I pump for 30 mins durnjng a regular pumpings session. I drink up to a total of 3 body armors and 6 bottles of water a day ontop of some juice. The key is to stay hydrated and eat small snacks throughout the day which is one thing I do struggle with. In between each pumping session I'm playing with the toddlers. I hope this helps some people.

Infomation From A LC

I had called and talked to multiple lactation consulants around my area and a lot of them and little to no information about relacting. They kept giving me numbers to other people. After a few phone calls finaly I was able to reach someone who was able to give me a little information. We traded emails and she emailed me what she was able to find. I also done some research of my own. I joined a few lactation groups on FB. And started to do the things that increased my supply when I was nursing my little ones. I will copy and paste the email that the lactation consulant sent me and I will also make a bulletin list of what I am / have done to increase my milk supply. Email: Hello, I'm going to list a section from an online course I took on induced lactation. Prior to taking any prescriptions, please speak to your physician. Measures that have been found to be successful in inducing lactation · Frequent suckling by baby (at least 10 times per day for 10 minutes each time). This strat...

Why I want to relactate ?

 I have had a few people in my family ask me why I want to do this. There are many reasons. My main reason is the health benefits breast milk can give a baby. “ Breast milk provides  abundant and easily absorbed nutritional components, antioxidants, enzymes, immune properties, and live antibodies from mother . Mother's more mature immune system makes antibodies to the germs to which she and her baby have been exposed.” Another reason is some babies struggle with formula especially babies who are EBF. Formula could upset their tummy’s especially if they aren’t use to it. I was able to breast feed my daughter for a year and my son for 1yr and 1 month. Durning that time I had pumped and donated a lot of milk to other local moms and still give my kids a sippy cup of breast milk a day. When we done that they didn’t get as sick as they do now. Some moms don’t respond well to pumping therefore can establish a supply for when baby is older. These are just a few of the reasons. I perso...

About Me

  I am 23 years old, married. I am a mother to two πŸ‘ΌπŸ» , a mother to a 3yr 🌈 girl, and a 1yr son (will be two soon). I’m a stay at home mom and I am beginning my journey of relactation for some local moms and babies. I have ptsd from childhood trauma and I have DID (multiple personalities). I struggle daily with depression and anxiety. I’m a recovering addict (4yrs). I’m wanting to start a blog to hopefully help others going through similar things. I will use this as a daily journal as much as I can. I will log my emotions through out my journey. Possibly do daily stories about my everyday life as a SAHM with toddlers.  If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me.